Fine Arts
Band and Jazz Band
CMA has a large band program consisting of over 150 students. Our bands consistently receive superior/outstanding ratings at festivals we attend. Our band program offers many opportunities for young instrumentalists, including small class size at the beginning level with like-instrument instruction, opportunities for honor bands and music festivals, performance-based field trips, jazz band in the curriculum day, and exposure to many genres of music.
Comet Choir
Comet Choir is starting a new exciting year of singing opportunities. We will be performing our first concert on November 12 with our 5th grade class, with possible performances in the area during the month of December. In the spring, we will be looking forward to performing at the DCA MS Choir Festival with other Middle Schools in the district.
Visual Arts
CMA art room is a K-8 choice-based space for creating. Students explore art concepts in drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, photography and/or digital art.
Instruction focuses on the artists' choice of how to create a given theme or original idea.
The classroom structure is designed to be an environment for the student to create in a form that fits their skill and interest.